
Safeguarding Policies

Absence and Ill Health Policy 2023 2025 Acceptabe Use Policy 2023 2024 Accessibility Policy v2 Accident and Reporting Procedures v3 Admissions Policy for 2023 2024 Admissions Policy Proposed Primary scheme 2024 2025 Admissions Arrangements 2024 2025 Anti Bullying Policy 2022 2023 Anti Fraud Bribery and Corruption Policy 2023 2024 Attendance Policy 2022 2023 Behaviour for Learning Policyincluding exclusions 2023 2024 Behaviour Principles Written Statement 2023 2024 Bullying and Harassment Policy 2023 2025 Business Continuity Plan Policy 2023 2024 Capability of Staff Policy 2023 2024 Charging and Remissions Policy 2023 2024 Child Protection Policy 2023 2024 Children With Health Needs That Cannot Attend School Policy 2023 2024 Complaints Procedure 2023 2024 Disciplinary and Code of Conduct Policy 2022 2024 Drug Education Policy 2023 2024 Educational Visits Policy 2023 2024 Equality Objectives 2023 2027 EYFS Supervision Policy 2023 2024 EYFS outside supervision and toileting 1 Finance Policy 2023 2024 First Aid in Schools Policy 2023 2025 GDPR Policy 2023 2024 Governors Allowance Policy 2023 2024 Health and Safety Policy 2023 2024 Image Use Policy 2022 2024 Instrument of Government Intimate Care Policy 2022 24 Job Share Policy 2023 2024 Keeping children safe in education 2023 Lettings Policy 2023 2025 Looked After Children Policy 2022 2024 Managing Allegations Against Staff Policy 2022 2024 Mobile Technology and Social Media Policy 2023 2024 Parental Conduct Policy 2023 2024 Pay Policy 2023 2024 Personal Care Policy 2023 2024 Pets in School Policy Race Equality Policy Relationships Health Education Policy 2023 2024 Safer Recruitment and Employment Policy 2023 2024 School Uniform Policy 2023 2024 SEN and Disability Policy 2023 2024 Special Leave Policy 2023 2025 Subject Access Request Policy 2022 2023 Supporting Pupils with Medical Needs Policy 2022 2023 Teacher Appraisal Policy 2022 2024 Use of Reasonable Force Policy 2022 2023 Whistle Blowing Policy 2022 2024 Use of Reasonable Force Policy 2022 2024

Other Policies and Guidance

A full list of all our polices is available on request from the school office

Minutes of meetings of the governing body – Available on request from the Clerk to Governors

Premises management documents – Available on request from the school office

Register of pupils’ admission to school – Available on request from the school office

Register of pupils’ attendance – Available on request from the school office











"Letting Our Light Shine" (Matthew 5:16) - By Bringing Faith and Education Together