Teaching and Learning

Teaching and Learning.

At St. George’s Church of England Primary School our aim is to value each pupil as an individual and ensure that they reach their full potential by 'letting their light shine’, through our Christian Values.

Our vision is built around a broad and balanced education, where children are able to explore their interests and talents, whilst making good progress across a range of academic and foundation subjects. We strive for high standards for every child to achieve their best.

We believe that children should live and learn in a happy, secure and stimulating environment, a place where they are valued as individuals, encouraged to grow in self–esteem and given the opportunities they deserve to reach their potential.

We are committed to providing further opportunities to widen children’s experience of being real world learners with a range of additional extra-curricular opportunities, educational visits and residentials across an academic year and with forest school playing a special role in our school.

Child and parent voice is important to us as we value their views and desires to continue to develop and enhance our offer. Being involved with the community is also an important part of our Church School to develop opportunities and work with others.







"Letting Our Light Shine" (Matthew 5:16) - By Bringing Faith and Education Together