About us

St George’s Church of England Primary School.

St George’s Church of England Primary school is situated in the historic village of Wrotham in the heart of Kent. We have wonderful children and a team of dedicated and professional staff who all work together and provide every child the opportunity to achieve their very best in our inclusive school. 

"High aspirations, compassion and a celebration of each child’s unique worth ensure that every child flourishes,
particularly the most vulnerable;

Excellent relationships with the local church reflect a joint mission to serve the local community;

Collective worship is highly valued by the whole community, including parents, and has been developed by
excellent practice which reflects the pupils’ ideas and wishes;

Leaders have created an ethos where respect, trust and kindness nurture the development of all staff."

SIAMs 2018

We are very lucky to have lots of fantastic facilities for our children, including a large field with some great playing equipment, a library jam-packed with books for everyone to enjoy, on site Forest School and excellent ICT suite .

Use the links in the menu to browse through copies of our latest newsletter, to look at our diary dates, and to see much more information about our school! 







"Letting Our Light Shine" (Matthew 5:16) - By Bringing Faith and Education Together