Community is Important!

The Importance of a School Community

Partnership is a word that is often used in education and rightly so. For each individual child to reach their potential we all need to work closely together. The relationships between the school and the parents, the teachers and the child and finally the child being supported by the family are key factor.  To make this work communication is something that we strive to make as open and honest as possible.

The school operates an open door policy for the purposes of good communication between parents and staff. Parents are welcomed to the school at any time during the working day and should always report on arrival to the reception area, where the School Receptionist can be found. Appointments to discuss matters with a member of the teaching staff or the Headteacher will be arranged at the earliest available opportunity. Teachers at St. George’s maintain a level of informal contact with parents, wherever possible. The school also holds consultation evenings each term in the autumn and spring term. On these occasions an appointment system operates. In addition, teachers hold a year group meeting for parents in September to discuss the year ahead. Annual reports are sent home in the summer term. Finally at the end of the school year an informal coffee evening is held to celebrate your child’s achievements.

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"Letting Our Light Shine" (Matthew 5:16) - By Bringing Faith and Education Together