Headteachers Welcome

Welcome to St George's Church of England Primary School

Thank you for visiting our website and warm welcome to St George’s.

The achievement of every pupil is paramount for our staff.  We are committed to providing an excellent education, both academic and pastoral care, to ensure every child continues to develop enquiring minds; instilling the motivation to learn and the ability to work both independently and collaboratively, while being confident in taking risks with their own learning.

We believe that children should live and learn in a happy, secure and stimulating environment, a place where they are valued as individuals, encouraged to grow in self–esteem and given the opportunities they deserve to reach their potential.

We enjoy a wonderful natural environment which provides further stimulus for our children. There is opportunity to explore nature through a variety of wildlife areas including our Forest School and woodland areas and large open spaces. 

Our faith is important to us. Worship and quality Religious Education are integral to us and the strong links we have developed with our local church is an important feature of the school life. We believe strongly in tolerance, respect and understanding of the beliefs of others.

Our School has a warm and nurturing community ethos, which allows us to work closely with our families, PTA, the Church and the Wrotham Village community.








Mrs Elizabeth Rye, Headteacher










"Letting Our Light Shine" (Matthew 5:16) - By Bringing Faith and Education Together