Harvest Celebrations

Harvest Celebrations

We had a wonderful Harvest Festival Celebration in Oak Class. We used a range of language rich books to spark discussions around Harvest and what this means in England. We decided to invite parents into our learning environment for a Harvest Celebration. We learnt some Autumn songs to sing, we showcased some of our Harvest crafts and we made some delicious vegetable soup and baked bread to serve. We decided to walk down to our local village shop to buy all the ingredients we needed. We made a shopping list and on the way the children used an observational sheet to look for landmarks. The children enjoyed using real money to pay for our items and it was lovely to stop and talk to local residents within the Wrotham community.

To complete our Harvest Celebration, we collected a large range of food donations which we passed onto a local food bank. We then sang our Autumn songs to a local care home via zoom!

Happy Harvest Everyone!








"Letting Our Light Shine" (Matthew 5:16) - By Bringing Faith and Education Together