Year 6 KS2 Sats Information

Year 6 SATs Information

Please be aware pupils are tested on the current National Curriculum which was introduced in 2014.  

This means that there is a higher level of expectation and challenge which includes: 

  • A strong emphasis on comprehension including fictional and non-fictional texts in the reading test
  • A requirement for pupils to know and apply technical terminology as part of the grammar and punctuation test
  • Higher order skills are tested as part of all the papers
  • A scaled scoring system. This means that the number of marks gained will be converted into a scale score. A scaled score of 100 will show where a pupil has met the Age Related Expectations (ARE). The Department of Education will publish the range of scaled scores after the tests have been completed and marked

In order to help parents/carers to provide more information and help you to support your child through the SATs experience, we have attached a number of documents and links below.

For sample test papers please click on the relevant link below:

Glossary of Grammatical Terminology

Mathematics Paper 1 Arithmetic

Mathematics Paper 2 Reasoning

Mathematics Paper 3 Reasoning

English Paper 1 Questions

English Paper 2 Spelling







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