Beech Class

Welcome to Beech 

Welcome to Term 6!

Wow! We cannot believe that we are in Term 6 already. Hopefully the sun will start to break through as the children complete their final term as Year Ones.  

Another busy term with a lot of learning happening. We start with our annual beach trip on Wednesday - please make sure you are punctual as we leave at 9am! This trip will round up our geography learning for the term and we will move on to a history unit about how explorers have changed the world. 

The phonics screening checks are fast approaching as well, but all the children have been practising in class and we are really proud of the progress they have all made. 

In PE this term we are working towards sports day and practising our agility. We can't wait to see you all supporting the children in their races on the day. 

Spellings are available on the website as well as Classdojo and will always be looked at within class for the week and reviewed on a Monday. 

If anyone would like to volunteer to come in and hear readers, please let us know as we will be continuing to invite volunteers in.



As always, we are available if you have any questions or concerns.

Mrs Allcorn and Mrs Foreman

Curriculum Map Term 6

Science Knowledge Organisers

Geography Knowledge Organisers

History Knowledge Organisers

Mrs W Allcorn & Mrs K Foreman supported by Ms J Brooks & Mrs K O'Hara