Willow Class

Welcome to Term 6 in Willow Class.

Hello everybody, welcome back to Term 6! 

We hope you have all had a restful break and are looking forward to the term ahead. I cannot believe we are in the final term of the year! It is a busy time, but full of fun events such as sports day and the colour run. 

The children have worked hard all year and will continue to do so in the run up to the summer holiday. In English, the children will be writing play scripts and our focus text is Julius Caesar. In Maths, our topics include money, time and statistics and Science for this term is states of matter. In History we answer the question 'Were the Vikings raiders or peace-loving settlers?' and in Art, we turn our skills to sculpture. Many children were inspired by our visit to the Wrotham Arts Festival! In RE we continue learning about Hinduism and find out what it means to be a Hindu in Britain today.

We have PE every Wednesday and Friday this term. Children will need to wear full kit to school on PE days- plain house coloured t-shirt, plain black shorts/tracksuits bottoms and school cardigan or jumper. Long hair needs to be tied back and no jewellery is to be worn. Our PE units are gymnastics and athletics.

Please continue to read at home daily with your child and make sure they have their reading book at school everyday. Reading records are monitored and children are welcome to write in them too. Mathletics will continue to be set weekly, along with times tables tasks on Purple Mash and on TTRS. Spellings are also set and tested weekly. In June the Year 4 multiplication check will be administered, so it is very important that the children are practising as much as possible at home and using Purplemash and TTRS regularly.

Class Dojo will continue to be updated regularly with class and school information.

If you need to contact me, you can send a message on Class Dojo or call the office to leave a message and I will get back to you as soon as I possibly can.

Thank you for your continued support.

Curriculum Map Term 6

History Knowledge Organisers

Science Knowledge Organisers

Geography Knowledge Organisers

Mrs L Demirelli supported by Mrs D Lloyd


Willow Class created this central, large poppy from recycled plastic bottles...

We have cricket coaching from Chance To Shine, where we learn valuable cricket...