Cool Milk Scheme

In conjunction with the Department of Education’s new School Food Plan, our school is providing a free 189 ml portion of low-fat milk to children entitled to statutory free school meals from January 2015.

Find out the top ten reasons to drink school milk at

School Milk

By registering your child for our school milk they will receive a 189 ml (third of a pint) carton of semi-skimmed milk every day.

How much does it cost?

School milk is free for all under-fives and is subsidised for pupils aged five or older at around £15.00, a term.

How do I register my child?

If your child is under five:-

  1. Go to or pick up a form from the school office.
  2. Just register by a Tuesday for your child’s free milk to start the following week
  3. Free milk will continue until the Friday before your child’s fifth birthday. You will receive a payment request over three weeks before this time – if you wish for your child to continue to receive school milk simple make a payment.

If your child is over five:-

  1. Go to or pick up a form from the school office.
  2. Pay Cool Milk as requested.
  3. Just pay by a Tuesday for your child’s milk to start the following week.







"Letting Our Light Shine" (Matthew 5:16) - By Bringing Faith and Education Together