Parents Forum

Click here to download Minutes Term 3 – 2019/2020

Click here to download Minutes Term 2 – 2019/2020

Click here to download Minutes Term 1 – 2019/2020


How the Parent Forum works?

The Parent Forum will be led by the Parent Forum Committee (PFC).

The PFC is made up of volunteer parents or carers and representatives of the school . The purpose of the committee is to:

  • organise meetings of the association to inform about educational issues in school
  • run open forum and discussion events for parents, carers at the school
  • circulate literature
  • communicate discussions and outcomes to the school community
  • set the agenda in collaboration with the senior leadership team in advance of meetings

The membership of the committee currently consists of the following volunteer members:

2019/20 Academic Year

Oak Class

Melissa Unsworth

Beech Class

Kerry O’Hara

Maple class

Lucy Stafford

Cedar Class

Anna Watling

Willow Class

Helen deGeorgio

Hazel Class

Laura Finley

Sycamore Class

Hannah Riley

How long will each person fulfill their role on the Membership committee?

Each person will sit on the Committee for a year, after which time they will either step down although they may seek re-election.   

Who will set the agenda?

The items for the agenda may come from a number of sources, including:

  • parents and carers; 
  • the school leadership team
  • governors; and
  • the annual school questionnaire and new questionnaires 

The agenda will be formally agreed by the school leadership team.

How will the Forum committee publicise its meetings?

Meetings will be advertised in school newsletters, book-bags and on the school website. 

How often will the Forum meet?

The Forum will meet twice a term (once every half term). Any additional meeting will be only held in exceptional circumstances. 

What are the “ground rules” for the meeting?

We want to ensure a positive and respectful environment and we want those who attend the meetings to abide by the following code of conduct:

Listen to others’ views and welcome diversity of opinions
Treat speakers with respect
Act courteously
Contribute & participate
Avoid naming individual members of the school community

How will the Forum ensure that its discussions/views are fed up to the Governors/leadership team?

The Chair of the meeting will convey in writing the collective views of the Forum to the relevant body. This may be supplemented by attending meetings with the relevant body to discuss its findings. In turn the governing body/school leadership team will reply by conveying its views for passing on/discussion.

How will parents and carers be kept informed of developments between Forum meetings?

Parents and carers will be kept informed through [updates to the website/school newsletters] as appropriate. 

How will the Forum evaluate how well it is working?

To ensure the Form is working well and being effective, it will carry out a review at the end of every year. We have not yet decided how this be done, but may involve a survey.

What happens if I am unhappy with the way in which the Forum is working?

If you are unhappy with the way in which the Forum is working throughout the year, please contact any of the parent governors. 








"Letting Our Light Shine" (Matthew 5:16) - By Bringing Faith and Education Together