Parents With Disabilities

Parents with disabilities at St. George’s (VC) CEP School

All schools, colleges and universities have a duty to parents with disabilities to let them have reasonable access to services related to the education of their child or children. This is to ensure that parents with disabilities can be fully involved in their child’s education.

The Disability Discrimination Act

The Disability Discrimination Act (DDA) covers many areas of everyday life, including education and access to goods and services. Generally, the provisions in the DDA to do with schools relate to pupils with disabilities.

However, many services provided by a school do not relate directly to your child’s education, but are considered a ‘service to the public’ and are covered by the DDA (Part 3).

At St. George’s School we recognize that like all pupils are different and have different needs so do the Parents and Guardians.

At St. George’s School we make ‘reasonable adjustments’ to procedures and policies, or provide you with aids to help you access their services, like putting information in accessible formats. We never refuse to provide a service, or provide a lesser service, to you as a parent with disabilities.

Things we do to support parents with disabilities

All staff members get disability awareness training, how accessible is the school and how is information provided to parents. We have plans to adapt the building to make it easier for those with disabilities to enter the building and gain access to all classes.

What else do we do?

1. Information for parents in alternative formats

  • We can provide a school’s annual report, quarterly newsletter or your child’s school report in Braille, large print, ‘easy-read’ or on CD

  • We accept a verbal complaint from a Parent or Guardian opposed to a written compliant if you are unable to write because of your impairment. We also employ a Family Liaison Officer (FLO) to support parents through this process.

  • We have recently introduced a ‘Parent Mail’ service to make contact to you via text message – for example, if a school closes due to bad weather.

  • We welcome correspondence through e-mail.

2. Parents’ evenings, school events and meetings with staff

We support parents with disabilities by using:

  • Using a pen and notepad to communicate with you if you are deaf or hearing impaired and/or providing induction loops in a certain room

  • Arranging for an interpreter – for example, in British Sign Language (BSL) and/or allowing more time for one-to-one meetings

  • Updating you on your child’s progress by telephone or email if you are unable to attend a meeting because of your impairment

  • Holding a meeting in an accessible location (for example, to avoid stairs) if you have impaired mobility

  • Providing a script of a school play if you are deaf or hearing impaired to help follow the action

3. Visiting schools and accessibility

We are happy to support parents with disabilities by:

  • Assigning a member of staff to be responsible for meeting your access needs when you want to be shown around the school – including if you are blind or visually impaired (for example, so you can familiarise yourself with the school’s layout)

  • Making sure the school is accessible if you are a wheelchair user by using ramps or making alterations to doorways

  • Providing parking for disabled people and/or making sure other parents’ vehicles do not block access

  • Allowing a parent with disabilities to be accompanied by their support and assistance dog

4. School transport

The decision on whether, and how, to offer transport is made by your local authority and you should contact them for more information. However, under the DDA, a ‘reasonable adjustment’ might be, for example, an education and library board to provide free transport if your impairment prevented you from accompanying your child on a ‘walking route’ to school. Alternatively, your education and library board might ensure that there was somebody else to regularly accompany your child instead.

Parents’ rights

Having parental responsibility means assuming all the rights, responsibilities and authority that a parent of a child has by law. You also have rights as a parent relating to your child’s education. For example, being able to teach your children at home.

For more information visit these websites or speak to a member of staff:

  • Check out has a wealth of information to support you.








Please note that St. George’s C of E Community Primary School does not accept any responsibility for the content of these websites.







"Letting Our Light Shine" (Matthew 5:16) - By Bringing Faith and Education Together